We made our first candle by hand, driven by passion to create products that were reliable from the first step of their creation to the final moment of usage
From a small family business we became the largest candle manufacturer in Lithuania
In 1995, we founded a candle factory in a small town called Kartena and now, it’s already a quarter of a century since we are in business. Today, we deliver our products to dozens of foreign countries. Most of the processes are automated and meet the highest quality and eco-standards. Our product range includes a wide selection of indoor and outdoor candles.
We believe that both production and usage of candles can be completely sustainable
We are using more and more energy and raw materials from renewable sources—sunlight, plant-based plastic, recycled plastic. We were the first in Lithuania to replace the raw materials of candle jars with materials that are in line with principals of circular economy. We now coat more and more candles with mass from products of biological origin. Some of our candles are Nordic Swan Ecolabel certified which confirms that they are environmentally safe.
We seek to create trust
When we say that a candle is made from plant-based materials and burns for up to 20 hours—we assure you it is the case. The business model created in our company, along with the production method, allows to satisfy the needs of various clients—from small companies to large trade networks in the Baltic region. We believe this is one of the reasons why our employees, partners, and clients are standing firmly with us for two decades.